






    更新:2020-02-12 16:03:37 

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    75 America Gets Rid of Her King74 A Prince Who Ran Away73 A Self-made Man72 Red Cap and Red Heels71 A King Who Lost His Head70 James the Servant69 The Age Of Elizabeth68 Queen Elizabeth67 Christian Quarrel66 Rebirth64 The Search for Gold and Adventure63 Fortune Hunters62 A Sailor Who Found a New World61 Print and Gunpowder60 ( The•lon Gest• War•t Hat•e Ver•was)59 A Magic Needle and A Magic Powder58 A Great Story Teller57 John, Whom Nobody Loved56 Bibles Made of Stone and Glass55 Three Kingdoms in Africa54 Tick-Tack-Toe; Three Kings in a Row53 A Great Adventure52 A Pirate’s Great Grandson51 Knights and Days of Chivalry50 Real Castles49 The End of the World48 Getting a Start47 Two Empires, Two Emperors46 (Perhaps you have read the Arabian Nights) Arabian Days45 Muhammad and the Early Years of Islam44 A Christian Kingdom in Africa43 Being Good42 New Places—New Heroes41 Barbarians Meet the Champion of the World40 Barbarian Invaders39 I_H_S_Vinces38 A Good Emperor and a Bad Son37 Blood and Thunder36 “Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory”35 An Emperor Who Was Made a God34 The Noblest Roman of Them All33 The New Champion of the World32 The Boot Kicks and Stamps31 Picking A Fight30 A Boy King29 Wise Men and Otherwise28 When Greek Meets Greek27 The Golden Age26 One Against a Thousand25 Fighting Mad24 Greece vs. Persia23 Rome Kicks Out Her King22 Rich Man, Poor Man21 All the Way Around the World in China20 The Other Side of the World: India19 A Surprise Party18 A City of Wonders and Wickedness17 Kings with Corkscrew Curls16 A Bad Beginning15 The Crown of Leaves14 Hard As Nails13 The People Who Made Our ABC’s12 The Kings of the Jews11 A Fairy-Tale War10 Fairy-Tale Gods09 The Jews Search For a Home08 A Rich Land Where There Was No Money07 The Tomb Builders06 The Puzzle Writers in Egypt05 Real History Begins04 From an Airplane03 Fire! Fire! ! Fire! ! !02 People Who Lived in Caves01 How Things Started


