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    通用云编程: Cloud Programming


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    更新:2019-05-04 05:07:35 


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    第一课:概论(Class 1 - Introduction) - 1第二课:通用云计算编程继续介绍(Generic Cloud Programming)第三课:通用云计算编程继续介绍(Generic Cloud Programming)第四课:建立开发环境 Setting Up the Development Environment第五课:继续建立开发环境Setting Up Development Env.第六课:通过复制粘贴替换实现分布式通知-CPR Programming Notifications第七课:继续通过复制粘贴替换实现分布式通知-CPR Programming Notifications第八课:通过复制粘贴替换完成分布式请求回应-CPR Requests-Responses第九课:客户端服务器应用程序接口和分布式操作模式-C/S APIs & DOP - 1第十课:客户端服务器应用程序接口和分布式操作模式-C/S APIs & DOP - 2第十一课:十三个基本APIs - The Thirteen Basic APIs第十二课:代码级模式什么样?- How to Represent Code-Level Patterns?第十三课:最核心的分布设计模式:The Code Distributed Pattern: Server Dispatcher第十四课:十五个基本分布式设计模式-The Fifteen Basic Distributed Patterns第十五课:最原始分布式APIs和设计模式-The Most Primitive APIs & Patterns第十六课:直播最简分布式编程-Live: The Simplest Distributed System Programming第十七课:从零开始快速编程-Programming Distributed Systems From Scratch Rapidly第十八课:由分布式基本元素衍生-Deriving From Distributed Primitives第十九课:就这点开发代价-Such Low Programming Effort第二十课:增大C/S系统规模-Increasing the Scale of C/S第二十一课:做个聊天系统玩玩-Programming a Chatting System第二十二课:论分布式开发的通用性-The Generality of GreatFree第二十三课:那些放之四海而皆准的理论-The Universal Principles第二十四课:有通用性才能快速开发-The Generality for Rapidness第二十五课:建立对等节点-Programming the Peer第二十六课:显微镜下的对等节点-Implement the Peer第二十七课:100分钟三层结构-Rapid Programming 3-Tier System第二十八课:对等结构的即时程序设计-Instant Messaging with P2P第二十九课:设计模式确实没有增加-Steady Patterns for Rich APIs第三十课:机器不够用了,多播应用程序接口-The Multicasting API第三十一课:多播根客户端-RootClient Implementation第三十二课:用事件实现阅读 - Implementing Reading with Notifying第三十三课:多播的服务端编程 - Programming the Multicasting on the Server-Side第三十四课:用多播实现搜索引擎-Programming Search Engine with Multicasting第三十五课:用多播实现搜索存贮端-Programming Storage End with Multicasting第三十六课:搜索系统的两个客户端-Two Clients of the Search Engine第三十七课:没有为客户端初始化线程池-ThreadPool is not initialized for clients第三十八课:广播转发漏掉了-Forwarding is missed for broadcasting第三十八课-2:广播继续-Keep in programming broadcasting第三十九课:汇合点也漏掉了-Missing the Rendezvous Point第四十课:只剩下人必定会犯的错误-Only Indispensable Mistakes Left第四十一课:容器概念 - The Concept of Container第四十二课:容器编程过程 - The Procedure to Program with Container第四十三课:服务器容器例子 - Samples of ServerContainer第四十四课:在线编写服务器容器程序 - Online Programming with ServerContainer第四十五课:对等节点容器程序示例 - The Samples of PeerContainer Programming第四十六课:60分钟完成三层分布式结构 - Programming 3-Tier in 60 Minutes第四十七课:集群应用程序接口 - Clustering APIs第四十八课:集群应用程序接口的实现 - The Implementation of Clustering APIs第四十九课:基于集群的客户端服务器编程 - TNCS Cluster Programming第五十课:多节点客户端集群编程 - MNCS Cluster Programming第五十一课:编写简单电子商务集群 - Programming a Simple E-Business Cluster第五十二课:进一步优化聊天集群 - Optimizing the Chatting Cluster第五十三课 - 集群子播概念 - The Concept of Intercasting第五十四课:集群子播API设计 - The Design of Intercasting APIs第五十五课:子播编程原则 - The Principles of Intercast Programming第五十六课:利用子播优化私有聊天 - Optimizing Private Chatting with Intercasting第五十七课:在集群上实现群聊 - Group Chatting on Cluster第五十八课:集群上群聊的消息设计 - Messages Design for Group Chatting on Cluster

    通用云编程: Cloud Programming作品详细简介

    You are welcome to the video channel: http://i.youku.com/greatfreeGreatFree is a generic pattern-API (Application Programming Interfaces) oriented programming environment for large-scale distributed systems over the Internet. It emphasizes the nature to implement distributed systems through programming rather than configuring or scripting. GreatFree believes the importance of programming since it offers developers the opportunities to leverage their distributed knowledge and programming skills. Additionally, as a generic tool to develop distributed systems, programming is the unique way to construct creative, adaptive and flexible systems for various distributed computing environments. With the support of the rich APIs and code-level patterns, including the Distributed Infrastructure Patterns and the Distributed Operation Patterns, the difficult procedure is accomplished in a programmable, rapid and highly-patterned manner with the simplified programming behaviors, i.e., the repeatable operations of Copy-Paste-Replace.Keywords—Distributed API, Distributed Design Pattern, Distributed Programming, Large-Scale Distributed Systems

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