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    Breaking the Habit of Being


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    更新:2020-04-24 06:03:36 


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    Parts Of finding true selfI accept that contention as my truthOur definition of a habitYour attention is where your energy isThis is an experience that I’ve humbly learned to Live forThe real answers and true joy have always been withinInhabit selfIt happens unexpectedlyI am inspired to do this tomorrowYou somehow knowA feeling of wholenessYou are oneThere will come a momentBeing transparent: Going From the Inner to the OuterEnd-of-the-Day QuestionsKeep your energy up as the NEW youLook forward to feedbackLook forward to feedbackTo Demonstrate Is to “Be It” All Day LongDemonstrating: Living as the New YouThe side effect of that freedom is called JOYWeek 4 meditation last meditation of the bookAdvance Your Understanding Even MoreKeep Peeling Away Those LayersMaking this meditative Process Your OwnCreating the New YouCreate a new you without any judgementGuided Mental-Rehearsal MeditationA two-way communicationYOUBecoming a New Personality Produces a New RealityFocus on Frequency, Intensity and DurationWith no hesitationRepetition is what I want to emphasize hereBecause you are primedBecoming Very Familiar with the New YouPhysical evidence that you are changedRehearsing: Memorize the New YouTo be the master of yourself againHow?TUse imagination and inventionRehearsing the New YouCreating the New YouOverview: Creating and Rehearsing the New YouChapter 13Week 3 meditation recordingWeek 3 meditation guideNothing is worth itCatch Yourself Before “Going Unconscious”You body is now predominantly in controlAssociative Memories Trigger Automatic ResponsesDon’t waste your energyThe Loudest Voice in your HeadRedirecting: Play the Change GameAwareness is your goalHow do you act?AYour addictions create your habits改变不容易ObservingDismantle the memory of the OLD youRecording of week TWO meditationWeek Two guide to meditationGive thanksOpportunity to writeBecause it doesThink about how placebo worksThe quantum mind is like a big mirrorIn a new and unusual wayand then get out of the wayYou can not both surrender and try to control旧怎么可能改变新?ASurrenderingVerbalizing the declarationOvercome the ego’s controlThis is the point that you want to release that energyAnother opportunity to writeLet’s change in joy instead of changing in pain命运一直在那里等着,一起去创造Innate intelligenceStep 3: Admitting and DeclaringExamples of Limiting States of MindDefine the state of Mind Associated with the EmotionYou don’t want to think in the pastHow mediation change your personality traitsOpportunity to WriteChoose an Emotion to UnmemorizeBegin Your Own Life ReviewFirst strides toward personal changeStep 2: RecognizingPrune Away the Habit of Being YourselfWater-rising induction less than 5 MinutesBody-part induction 5 mins longInduction technique tipsWater-Rising InductionThey WHYBody-Part Induction “The How-to”AOpen focusOverview: Body-Part InductionStep one: inductionOpen the door to your creative stateMastering the bodyPreparing your mindHow long to meditateMaking time to meditatePreparing your bodyPreventing distractions from your environmentA place that represents growth, regeneration, and futurePreparing your environmentTwo approaches to the MediationPreparing your toolsSuggested Four-Week ProgramBuilding a Neural Network for MeditationYou begin to know that you know howTurning Small Steps into One Easy HabitSo please be patient with yourselfPart 3: Stepping Toward Your New DestinyPrepare for your own personal summitKnowledge is the forerunner to experienceSelf-limiting emotional states don’t control you anymoreSo changeThe coherent Brain: Taking it to the streetsNew personality, new personal realityHow she has won the lottery with that intentionLive her life from a different perspective 不同视角Meditation Plus Action: One Woman’s Path out of LackAnd he was healedThe coherent Brain sets the stage for healingSynchronyOrchestrating for coherenceTrust, joy and inspirationBrain-Wave FunctionThe best time to meditate or is there a best time? ATo sleep, perchance to go down n up, the ladder naturallyTotally unobstructed placeTranscend the feelings of the body转化的关键意识与潜意识的比例让我们从分析的主观意识进入到潜意识The developing mindA working model of meditation觉知可以存在于分析之外 Awareness outside of analysis相干波与非相干波What scatted thoughts look like in Brain-wave pattenHigh Beta’s incoherent signals produce scattered thoughtsThe answer lies outside the emotions you’re wresting with阻止清晰思考的主要原因 you are stuck in high Beta脑电波长期处于High Beta使得我们过度关注外部世界一直紧张的状态对身体的影响有多大为何你一直那么焦虑?ASurvival or live? A3 levels of Beta waves govern our Waking HoursGamma: the fastest Brain Waves of AllTheta 催眠师帮你进入潜意识Alpha( adults and how you remember things, literally)ABrain-wave states in Adults: An overview BETABeta in children and teensAlpha waveTheta waveDelta waveBeta to delta在高意识状态下的脑波The end result is the sameWe are doing mystics have been doing for centuriesTriggerThe biological model of changeTend wellThis requires our daily “mindful attention”. AA second definition of meditationThat’s changeRepeat this process consistentlyBuilding new neurological networksContemplate a New, Greater Expression of SelfDecide to stop being the old youThe answer is simpleChapter 8 how do you do all this? ASo let’s get to itLiving exampleHow my transformation beganThe advertising connectionSee it. Understand it. Release itYou are transparent 你不再隐藏Let go of negative emotions 远离负面情绪两个不同的我融合Something had to giveThus, reality stays the same没改变的现实A healthy shot of some wonderful elixirClosing the gapSide effects of closing the gapAct now她,像变了个人似的 rebirth面对自己阴暗的一面Facing the dark side of selfThe bigger gap-Emotional Addiction对于上瘾者而言,永无满足。nothing is ever enoughOuter and innerThe change that changes everything 改变自己的频率People who Run away from reality will pay the priceHow addictions formPay attention to the nudgesWhat really matters in the end 最后到底什么重要Who wants to be around the truth?It takes energy to break the bondsEmotional bondsThe lie is overA different midlife:facing feelings n illustrations买买买,游游游。外部环境真的能改变内心嘛?中年危机嘛?不肯,不会,还是不能改变?AThis can vary greatly from one person to another有时候我们连问题都已经不想问了,不是吗?AWhat do you want to conceal?The layers of EMOTION we memorize that create the gapDuality- the identity gapTrue happiness comes withinChapter seven The GAPFall in love wit the future 未来已来Embrace the quantum model of realityPersonalityWhat you have changed inside of youThinking to BeingTransformationMediation allows us to change our brains, bodies and.AThat’s when meditation comes inA prelude to meditationMemory systems of the brainBiologically, neurologically and genetically changedBut can you create of state of being? AEmbodying knowledge through experienceFacing your MIL 难道岳母真的那么可怕吗?关系可以改变You are no longer creating the same mind潜意识形成生理过程CerebellumApply knowledge and create a new experienceAnd you, begin to EMBODY what you are learningKnowledge is for the mindFrom thinking to doing: NeocortexThe three BrainsIn effect, we have three of themNerve cells that no longer fire together, no longer wireChange all begins with thinkingThree areas of the brain facilitate this mode of learningPart II Your Brain and MeditationReal and lasting change in your lifeThe two States of the MIND & BODYThe old you is goneLose your mind, liberate your energyMaking Thoughts More Real Than Anything ElseThe frontal lobe as CreatorSynaptic connectionsWhat would it be like to.? AFrontal lobe engages in creationIntention, will and awarenessMetacognitionThe frontal lobe: Domain of creation and changeCreation: Living as a NobodyFrom malignant melanoma to cancer free in 15 daysHe retreated from his familiar lifeSpontaneous healingAn example how a person LIVE in resentmentBeginning of freedom from our present livesThe selfish selfWhen we live in fear, we react not respondAddicted to being a somebodyFeel more connected to universal intelligenceSurvival: living as a “somebody” 人被一些情绪“玩弄”Why humans keep stressing themselvesThe maladaptiveThe Domino effect 多米诺骨牌效应If you turn on your stress response so frequentlyStress response”hormone”Fight-or-flight nervous systemChapter 5 Survival VS creationFeel like time doesn’t exist 感觉时间好像不存在了Think and feel greater than your environmentTaking steps to a new and better future 走向美好未来Living in the past, which is your futureMore on that to comeSo how come living in the future is still the past? ACreate different states of beingWe have to move out of the pastThe thing is, you don’tConscious mind in the present, subconscious mind? AYou feel like: you live in a different state of beingMemorized emotionsChapter four: Overcoming TimeWalking into an altered reality 走入已改变的现实Change your body: why lift a finger?Altered state of existence 改变存在的状态Altered 23 different gene expressions after a comedy showAhead of the environmentWhat if everything in our lives stays the same?活在过去使我们陷入困境We can signal our genes to rewrite our futureGenes: memories of the past environmentFactors in the outer environment are only part of the picControlling our Inner Environment: the genetic mythThe reason why are you in the loop. And to get out? AIn time, your body is anchored in the pastChemical records of past experiencesBy itself, positive thinking never worksHelp is only a thought AwayHow you sabotaged yourself! 你是怎么给自己设的陷阱An epiphany?!Guilty until Proven Innocent 那种负疚感坑了许多人Enter into the subconscious to change itWhen the servant becomes the master 仆人变主人时Often we only appear to be AwakeDoes your mind control your body? Or vice versa?This is how the chemical YOU functionsDon’t go back to the vicious cycle 别再恶性循环了The thinking and feeling loop 想和感觉绕圈圈Overview of the Role of Ligands in the Brain and BodyNeuropeptides and hormones 神经肽与荷尔蒙Neurotransmitters 神经传导物质Overcoming your BodyIs your mind that powerful? Stay tuned! ABrain is ahead of the environment 头脑超越环境Mental Rehearsal: How our thoughts can Become Our 经验History’s Giants: 历史上的巨人起初看起来似乎都“疯了”!AGreatness is holding fast to a Dream 超过环境的强大How you Form the Habit of Being YourselfHardwired to Hard TimesOur routine: Plugging into Our Past SelfFamiliar Memories “Re-mind” Us to Reproduce the Same 经历Our Memories Make Up Our Internal EnvironmentTo change, Be Greater than Your Environment, body and timeKeep revisiting familiar thoughts and feelings.感觉得改变Overcoming YOUR environment 打破环境对你的限制And A Child Shall Lead Them 作者女儿实例分享Change Your Mind, Change Your LifeTo Enter the Field, Enter a Similar State 制造那种状态Going beyond Space and Time 超越时空Quantum physics IS “Non-sense” 放下自己的五感Ask for quantum feedback 量子世界的信息反馈We get back what we send out 吸引力的运作As an Extension of This Intelligence, we Can Emulate itUniversal intelligence and the quantum field 智慧Quantum creating: Giving Thanks Before Receiving an OutcomeWhy quantum outcomes should come as a surprise? AChange requires coherence: alignment 变化需要连贯性To experience Change, observe a new Outcome with a new mindThoughts and feelings: Broadcasting Our EM signal toThoughts feelings Produce Test Tube Results 吸引力法则Our state of being or state of mind: When mind & body are 1Weird Science: Can we affect the Past?An infinite number of possible realities: 无限个可能的现实From Matter to Energy 从物质到能量The creation of Reality: Energy responds to mindful AttentThe real quantum atom 真正的量子原子classical VS quantum ATOM 经典/量子 原子结构Einstein: Not Just Rocking the Boat-Rocking the UniverseAlways matter, never mind? Always mind, never matter? AChange your beliefs about the nature of realityThe science of you 科学的你Part 3: Stepping Toward Your New DestinyPart 2: Your Brain and MeditationThe science of YOU 从科学角度看自己Change as a choice, instead of a reaction别等事儿逼自己改变Will you dare to be an original?你敢做真实的自己吗?Initiate a new Brain 创建新的大脑Why meditation makes you smarter? 为啥冥想让人更聪明Change Yourself. 改变旧我,接近真我The Frontal Lobe as the Volume ControlThanks to the size of the frontal lobe第一百篇

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